Euploea core (Cramer, [1780]) – Common Crow.

Euploea core the Common Crow butterfly taking minerals from mud .
Euploea core the common crow commonly found in South Asia to Australia. In Bangladesh it's known as Common Crow butterfly and in Australia as the Australian Crow. It can also be found mud-puddling with others of its species and often in mixed groups. The males of this species visit plants like crotalaria  and Heliotropium  to replenish pheromone stocks which are used to attract a female during courtship. Euploea core is a slow fliers

Physical Description Of Adult Butterfly:

Euploea core is glossy-black in colour. The male butterfly is more darker then the female. The male has a velvety black brand located near the rear edge on the upperside of the forewing. 

The females are brownish in both sides. On the margin of both UPH and UPF contain a rows of white spots.
The upper side of Common crow is dark brown, broadly paler along terminal margins; Fore and hind wing with subterminal and terminal series of white spots; on the fore wing the former more or less oval, curved inwards opposite apex, the latter series often incomplete, not reaching apex, the spots smaller; often there is a small costal spot, and very rarely a spot in apex of cell and one or more discal spots; on the hind wing the inner series of spots are elongate, the outer conical. The thorax contain a few numbers of white spots.

Scientific classification Of Common Crow:

Kingdom:    Animalia

Phylum:      Euarthropoda
Class:          Insecta
Order:         Lepidoptera
Family:       Pieridae
Genus:        Euploea
Species:      E. Core

Bio-data Of Common Crow Butterfly:

Genus: Euploea 

Species: Euploea core
E. c. amymone (Godart, 1819)

Wingspan of Adult Butterfly: 85-95mm
Larval Food Plants: Apocynaceae:
 (dogbanes, milkweeds and oleanders),Moraceae  (figs), Rubiaceae, Ulmaceae (nettles) and the specific species are Aphananthe cuspidate, Asclepias curassavica, Asclepias quadeloupe, Asclepias syriaca, Calotropis gigantea, Carissa ovata, Cerbera manghas , Cryptolepis pauciflora , cryptolepis sinensis Cynanchum carnosum, Ficus behgalensis Ficus benjamina  Ficus hederacea, Ficus microcarpa, Ficus obliqua, Ficus pandurata, Ficus platypoda, Ficus pyriformis Ficus recemosa Ficus religiosa, Ficus rubiginosa Ficus variolosa,Gomphocarpus fruiticosus,Gomphocarpus oblonga, Hemidesmus indicus,Holarrhena pubescens,Hoya australis,Ichnocarpus frutescens,Marsdenia australis,Marsdenia rostrata,Marsdenia suaveolens,Nerium indicum,Nerium olender,Parsonsia alboflavescens, Parasonia straminea,Plumeria acuminata,Sarcostemma australe,Secamone elliptica,Streblus asper,Toxocarpus wightianus,Trachelopermum bowringii and Tylophora indica.

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