Common wanderer| Pareronia valeria hippia (Fabricius, 1787)

Common wanderer| Pareronia valeria hippia (Fabricius, 1787)

Scientific Classification Of Common Wanderer:

Kingdom: Animalia.
Phylum  : Euarthopoda.
Class     : Insecta.
Order     : Lepidoptera. 
Family    : Pieridae.
Genus    : Pareronia.
Species  : P. Valeria.

Bio-data Of  Common Castor butterfly:

Genus: Pareronia
Species: Pareronia Valeria.
Wingspan of Adult butterfly: 65-85
Larval Host Plant: Capparis zeylanica.

Underside Physical Description OF Male Common Wanderer:

From the male underside of Pareonia uleria is paler blue or sometimes whitish. The terminal margins of the wings obscurely fuscous. A subterminal traversed with very indistinct. Lunulated spots of traverse series is whitish. 
The veins of forewings black with more or less broadly bordered. The edging broadened towards the termen. The terminal margin decreasingly to the tornus. Suffused with a somewhat obscure pearly-white lustre.
In hindwing the subcostal vein and veins 6,7 and 8 is broad. The rest of the veins narrowly edged with black. In interspace 1 a very clear black line presents. Cilia of both fore and hind wings very narrow and white. Antenna black. Head, thorax and abdomen fuscous. The thorax clothed with long bluish hairs. Thorax and abdomen pale silvery bluish-white.

A male Common wanderer| Basking on sun

A male Common wanderer| Basking on sun

A female Common wanderer| Basking on sun

A male Common wanderer| Taking rest

A female Common wanderer| Basking on sun

A female Common wanderer| Basking on sun

A female Common wanderer

A female Common wanderer| Taking rest

Upperside Physical Description Of Male Common Wanderer:

The upperside of Pareronia uleria is ground colour with a pale blue of much deeper tint in Pareronia avatae. All the veins defined with black.
Forewig costa is broad. Apex and terminal margin very broadly black. This black on the termen narrowed towards the tornus and the traversed by a transverse subterminal series of bluish-white spots which are variable in number. Interspace spot 3 shifted inwards.
In hindwing dorsal and costal margins broadly whitish. Terminal margin broadly black, especially at the apex. The black area covered except at the tornus with speciallsed opaque-looking scales.

A male Common wanderer| Taking nectar from Hibiscus rosa sinensis

A male Common wanderer| Taking nectar from Hibiscus rosa sinensis

Underside Physical Description Of Female Common Wanderer:

The Underside of Pareronia uleria is similar to the upperside but the difference is the female p. uleria is ground colour black, dusky and diffuse. The markings broader but less clearly defined. Forewing apical area obscure a powdering of whitish scales. Antenna, head, head, thorex and abdomen much as in the male but darker. This is the first form description.
The second form description is very similar to the first form, the both markings on the upperside and undersides are also similar but the ground colour on the upperside of the hindwing at base of interspace 1a, over the whole of interspace 1. Area of cell and at the base of interspace 2 suffused with bright yellow. On the underside the same areas are dull ochraceous. The extent of the bright yellow colour on the upperside and the ochraceous tint on the underside is variable. In some specimens more restricted. The common form of mimics glassy tiger to avoid predaton. The Philomela form is rare and identified by yellow colouration at the base of the hind wings. 

Behavior of Common castor butterfly: Flights slowly and like to fly on bushes and lower elevation. 

Local Distribution of Common wanderer butterfly: The common wanderer butterfly is widely distributed butterfly. In Bangladesh its found all around the region.  

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