Graphium antiphates (Cramer, [1775]) – Five-bar Swordtail.

Graphium antiphates (Cramer, 1775)- Five-bar Sowrdtail
Physical Description Of Fivebar Swordtail Underside:

The Graphium antiphates is black stripped in green body coloration. Their under hind wings marginal lines colour  is orange. They contain a large attractive tails. The forewing has the cell crossed by five short black bands. Both males and females upperside is white. 
The underside of the forewing is similar to the upperside in markings but the green shading over the white segment in the basal half of the cell more decided. The discal and terminal transverse black bands are separate. The underside of the hindwing is half green on the basal part while the outer half white, a large black tornal spot,

Graphium antiphates taking rest on a leaf. Photo courtesy: Mishuk Islam

Physical Description Of Fivebar Swordtail Upperside:

The upperside Graphium antiphates whitist. The basal, post basal and the submadian colour is white. But the forewing apical side is green colour with black stripped. Upper fore wings has five black brands of both wings. Upper hind wings tarmen edge has a black border, near the tails sometimes silver colour. 

Scientific Classification Of Fivebar Swordtail Butterfly:

Kingdom:    Animalia
Phylum:      Euarthropoda
Class:          Insecta
Order:         Lepidoptera
Family:       Pieridae
Genus:        Pathysa
Species:      P. antiphates

Bio-data Of Fivebar swordtail Butterfly-

Genus : Pathysa Rearkirt, 1865
Species : antiphates Cramer, 1775
SubSpecies : itamputi Butler, 1885
Wingspan of Adult Butterfly : 80-90mm.

About Fivebar swordtail Butterfly-

The Graphium antiphates is papilionidae families butterfly. The Graphium antiphates is a very rare butterfly rarely seen in Bangladesh. It may found in hill tracks areas and also well vegetated areas at high elevation. The various color of this butterfly wings make it more beautiful. They are very fast fliers but mostly seen in mud-puddling.

Local Distribution Of  Fivebar Sowrdtail: 

The Graphium antiphates is a rare butterfly overall the Bangladesh. It may seen in northeast and sometimes in southeast region of Bangladesh at a certain time.From my field observation I have seen this beauty in march.  

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